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 Donation Information


Projects Supported by  BCRFW Society

  • Retired Firefighters Wellness Network

  • Peer Worker Support Team

  • Spousal & Family Support

  • Clinical Support



​Other Initiatives we support
  • Support and train Peer Workers 

  • Support workshops and conferences on subjects of priority importance to mental health/disorder research.

  • Print and distribute informative materials to educate the public about mental health and mental illnesses.

  • Develop an extensive  broad based network of trained professional well versed in trauma treatment methods in addition to other issues related to mental health awareness.​

How to Donate


We accept donations by cheque, e-transfer, direct deposit or mail. For major Credit Card payments, please use the form below. You will receive conformation upon completion of the transaction.

Our minimum donation is 5.00 to a maximum of your choosing. Every dollar donated means so very much in supporting our retired members.100% of  donated funds is dedicated to support our  programs.



If donating through the mail please be sure to include the following in your letter:

Name (contact person)

Company name (if applicable)

Street address

City, Province and postal code

Phone number (optional)

Cheques made payable to BC Retired Firefighters Wellness Society

Our Mailing Address 

BC Retired Firefighters Wellness Society

#17 6488 168th  Street 

Surrey, B.C.,


Memorial Donations (optional)

Please include the name of your loved one in the letter, as well as the names and addresses of the people whom you would like  to acknowledge for the memorial donation.

Honorary Donations (optional)

Please write the name of the person your donation is in honour of in your letter, as well as the names and addresses of the people whom you would like the BC Retired Firefighters Wellness Society to acknowledge for the honorary donation.

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BCRRW Society  Banking Information 

Vancouver Firefighters Credit Union

2- 2801 Quebec Street,

Vancouver, B.C.,

V5A 3A8


For Major Credit Card Donations ONLY

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