British Columbia

Retired Firefighters Wellness Society
Our organization is a registered Society Incorporated by the Province of BC.
The British Columbia Retired Firefighters Wellness (BCRFW) Society is non profit organization dedicated to support the retired firefighters of British Columbia in living a healthy and comfortable life, after years of serving their communities.
We strive to promote mental and physical health, in addition to emotional wellbeing while providing a network for retired firefighters to support one another through the efforts of our Retired Firefighters Wellness Network.
This group of retired members recognizes the importance of providing meaningful mental health education and awareness to help alleviate health conditions and increase comfort within their daily lives. Along with the financial support from the BCRFW Society , we are now able to provide our members the necessary support systems they so richly deserve.

About Us
The BC Retired Firefighters Wellness Society was founded with the aim of providing a platform for retired firefighters to reconnect and have a voice. Many of our members have suffered in silence for far too long, dealing with the effects of a lifetime of exposure to trauma. In retirement, they often face isolation and questions of self-worth. We recognize the sacrifices made during their public service careers and aim to provide support and recognition to those who have given so much.
The BC Retired Firefighters Wellness Society will be conducting their inaugural AGM March 19th, 2025, 1030 hrs in the Community Room, Firehall No. 15, 3003 East 22nd Ave. Vancouver BC.
In addition, we will be asking all registered members of the Society to elect our first Board of Directors. Once elected they will be responsible for the affairs of the Society as set out in the By-Laws of the BC Retired Firefighters Wellness Society (BCRFWS).
To be elected are the following positions
President - 2 year term
Vice President 2 to be elected, one to a 2 year term, the other to a 1 year term.
Secretary/Treasurer - 1 year term
Trustees (3) 1 to a 2 year term, the remainder to a 1 year term
All retired members of IAFF Locals 18 & 323 are entitled to join the BCRWS, providing they are members in good standing with their respective locals, there are no initiation fees.
Please note: in order to be elected or vote you must register as member of the BCRFWS. For the purpose of this meeting only, the deadline for membership will close at noon, March 11, 2025.
Deadline for nominations will close noon, March 12, 2025. The list of nominees will be posted on the BCRWS web site 48 hrs. following the close of nominations.

Voting will take place by secret ballot during the AGM March 19th. The AGM Agenda will be posted on the BCRFWS web site 14 days in advance of the meeting.
Please send your nomination to info@retiredfirefighterswellnessnetwork.org